Rapamycin and cholesterol

Is there any guidance re. taking Rapa when one has high cholesterol?

Good question @mkpartin . I’m sure @Jake has some info about this.

So when it comes to cholesterol and rapamycin theres data that states that by downregulating the expression of PPARgamma, rapamycin can decrease cholesterol accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells and inhibit its leptin-secreting capability. This data provides an explanation for rapamycin-induced hyperlipidemia which is seen commonly in clinical practice involving rapamycin treatment.

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My Husband has high cholesterol, he has taken Rapamycin for 15 weeks, recent bloodwork shows a reduction in his cholesterol , no reduction in his triglycerides


Good news at least for his cholesterol!

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I’m 67 YO and I am in great health. I exercise 6 days a week and have been on Keto for 5 years so I am very lean. Just had my annual doctor’s checkup and all blood work looks good except my cholesterol numbers have been slowly increasing for a few years so I finally agreed to go on a low dose Statin.

I am ready to start a Rapamycin program. Are there any known bad interactions with Statins?

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I think I need a layman’s interpretation of this :slight_smile:

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Essentially, rapamycin can increase your cholesterol.

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I thought this was interesting


That’s not automatically a bad thing, correct?

[[Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review]. (https://Since elderly people with high LDL-C live as long or longer than those with low LDL-C, our analysis provides reason to question the validity of the cholesterol hypothesis)]

(Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review)

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I started taking Rapamycin a while back and I also take statins.

The only problem I saw is that my liver enzymes went up right after taking Rapamycin. I don’t know if this raise in enzymes is a problem or it’s a temporary elevation. (They went down again after a few days).

The doctor, however, asked me to stop Rapamycin due to potential risks to the liver …

Any thoughts?

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Mine initially went up slightly but returned to normal and hasn’t returned

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So now, even right after taking Rapamycin, your liver enzymes remain low?

(I just checked once)

my last 2 blood tests were 5 days after taking rapamycin, I normally take my rapamycin on Mondays and always take blood tests on Saturdays. This routine works for schedule. But to your question, my liver enzymes were not elevated.

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I already have High cholestrol. Nothing has brought it down. If it goes up on this med I may have to stop taking it

I’d advise anyone and everyone here who has been told they have “high” cholesterol and to go on a statin, to start learning more about the established and well-documented dogmatic view, e.g. the lipid hypothesis. Good follows on Twitter would be Dave Feldman, David Diamond, and Marion Holmann, for starters. Do your own research/reading. Make up your own opinions on what you learn. It might not come as a total shock to you that you might learn what we’ve been told about the dangers of “high” cholesterol are largely fabricated exaggerations (lies) intended to keep lots of profits in the hands of pharma. Certainly, much more to learn, that’s for sure.


My cholestrol has gone up since taking this

I agree, do your homework, if your triglycerides are low, your HDL high, your LDL elevated, lean and healthy. You may be a “lean mass hyper responder ”.
It might be all about selling statins and all of their side effects…


I’m so glad you asked this question, just before I started the rapa I got my bloodwork done and it was high for the first time in my 61 years so I’m happy to hear that the Rapa helps with that.

Does Metformin help as well?

You should instead heavily consider getting on a statin, like Rosuvastatin 5 or 10mg. Ive been on it for over 15yrs(started around 23 or 25 and im about to turn 41). Ive never had any issues or side effects from it. Im also trying to get my insurance to approve a PCSK9 inhibitor drug called Repatha, thats taken as an injectable 2x a month. Its more effect than a statin, but works extremely well when combined with a statin to reduce LDL.