Rapamycin and cholesterol

I cannot take any statin, thanks

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It’s my understanding that Statins may cause arteriosclerosis. Statins lower LDL but we have both good and bad LDL’s floating around and statins do not differentiate between the two. I just lowers total LDL.
My doctor recomends I only go by remnant cholestrol. Take your total cholestrol and then subtract the LDL and the HDL. If that number is between 15 and 23 your good. Over 23 is concerning. Hope this helps.

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I am in total agreement. The health and wellness doctors I know believe cholesterol is needed for the brain, and that statins should never be taken. You will need to make your own decision, but I never rely on conventional medicine for their opinion on cholesterol, and other issues without additional research of my own. Dr. Berry has many videos on it if you choose to check it out.


What is the test to measure liver enzymes called?

On my most recent blood work My cholesterol is high as well as a high apoB. I’ve done some research and talked to some family members. I’m considering starting on a protocol I learned about on the Peter Attia podcast. It is PCSK9 inhibitor/Bempedoic acid/ezetimibe. Does anyone have any experience with these compounds? Also does anyone have any recommendations for a PCP/cardio dr in the phoenix area that is healthspan focused?

If you do not mind sharing may I ask what your Total Cholesterol, LDL and HDL are?