Peptide Semorelin and Rapamycin

Hello all,
Before taking Rapamycin 9 months ago I was making small but steady strength gains on TRT.
That has abruptly ended while taking rapa. I can personally conclude that Rapa negatively influences strength gains and energy levels.
I am going to add Semorelin to my stack and see I can move the needle forward. I’m planning a 3 month regime of Semorelin in hopes of felling like Superman again. Has anyone tried this.peptide with Rapa? I would love your weight in please.

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I tend to feel a major dip in my energy around 48 hours after taking Rapamycin but then I regain my strength and cardio stamina has definitely improved while on Rapamycin.

Are you on TRT? My concern is that TRT is revving my systems up while Rapa is calming them down kinda in contrast to one and other. I just was inquiring if anyone else was taking a peptide for strength with Rapa and if they were experiencing any positive or negative sides. My current stack is 6 mg Rapa once a week, 100mg of Testosterone Cypionate once a week, 4.5mg of LDN daily and will be adding Semorelin daily.

i just started Semorelin with Rapa, i will keep posted

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