Rapamycin and Bioidentical Hormones

Hello, I’m new to Rapamycin and was wondering if anyone has any experience with taking bioidenticals with Rapamyacin? I take progresterone and estradiol and have for years. Testosterone was never needed. I’ve just putting in what nature is taking out as I age. I’m 63. I don’t want to take any extra meds if I don’t have to. Thanks. Susan

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Hi Susan, I too take bioidentical Progesterone plus Premarin since age 43 and I am now 83. Never stoped with this HRT even during all the controversy. And have now begun Rapamycin 4 mg …and would like to know if ANY research has been done re: this great question for women. Claudia

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Yes, Claudo, could not agree more! I hope more studies are conducted about women’s issues. For now, I’m just going to stay on my bioidenticals. If I run into anything I’ll let you know. I did see NOVOs had something I haven’t read yet on womens studies. https://novoslabs.com/live-longer-slow-aging-life-extension-blog/?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=campaign-email&utm_campaign=Newsletter%20%2348%20-%20Female%20Focused%20%2801HWTHBXZ0CK6EHZNDTJ8ZA8FD%29&_kx=q36G8EMw5LgIzOKTM5SUWMu7ygVaMs94VIsEYKdyvHo.X9Wc4N

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Me too, BHRT plus Rapa. Been flying by the seat of my pants, peptides, red light, Pentose Polysulfate for OA, Metformin (longevity) would love some guidance!! (Hand full of supplements, low carb etc)(68yr)

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Yes wouldn’t change my bioidenticals for anything for now. Way too much success with HRT…in my case. Will continue with Rapamycin as well… thanks for the link… Since woman live longer on average than men …so surprised that there is not more research on just why we women continue to thrive…still a man’s world - even now. Unbelivable.

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Hi Claudia and friends! I work in the longevity space and see a lot of trends etc. I’m a Breast cancer survivor - I’m on all the HRT plus I do ground flax and DIM along w other supps for heart health bc arterial disease is still -#1 killer - I have been taking Rapa for about 5 months and don’t necessarily feel any diff … some companies offer telomere testing that could be more helpful if you’re interested in deeper data. The bloodwork they do for HS doesn’t really give you accurate enough data on Bioage bc they’re not testing enough markers. PSA- Make sure you all get your Lp(a) and APOB tested when you get your lipids done! They don’t do it @HS but you should ask for it @ur doctor - 50% of people w normal basic lipids have a heart attack or stroke - I also recommend getting a Cleerly heart scan to see your baseline. Wishing you all health and happiness!


Hi Susan. I’m 63 also, and have been on Rapa and BHRT together for 3 years with no issues and I’ve never read of any problems using both. They were initially prescribed by my functional medicine/longevity physician. My mission is to prevent Alzheimer’s disease because I’m at a slightly increased risk with one ApoE 4 allele and my mom is currently in stage 6 AD.
There is plenty of good data supporting the use of bioidentical transdermal estrogens and either transdermal or oral bioidentical progesterone if one has an intact uterus to help maintain cognition as we age.


Thank you Tara. I will ask for those tests next time my lipids are done. Very helpful contribution on your part. Excellent.

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Thanks so much ladies for the information. Everything we share just helps all of us. Thank you!

I am breast cancer survivor also, but because of that doctors will no longer prescribe HRT. Mine had E and P receptors. I tried to get it but was refused. Any suggestions where I might obtain it? I am in Texas. I started on rapa 7 weeks ago and hoping for future cancer prevention in addition to other aging benefits. I am 72 and believe I was over dosed on HRT by my doc who kept refusing to test hormones prior to administering the pellet.

I follow some great OBGYN doctors on IG. Dr Mary Clare Haver is in Texas also look up doctors who are menopause certified in your area - good luck

Thank you. I will do that!

Hi Claudia, Tara, and friends! This is Shriya from the Healthspan Clinical Team. I wanted to pop in to let you know that you can also order ApoB and Lp(a) testing from us here at Healthspan. While these are not included in our Standard Panel, they can be purchased as part of our Heart Vitality or Longevity Pro Panel.

Additionally, we are working to offer Apo(B) and Lp(a) as an add-on to standard labs. Please send us a message in the portal if you’re interested in doing this and we’ll get something set up for you :slight_smile:


Hi Shriya… Yes I would like to add Apo(B) and Lp(a) on my standard lab test when the first lab test is provided. I am in my third week of Rapa. Can you set this up for me in advance? and what will the cost be? Thanks so much Claudia

Hi Claudia, we can touchbase via the patient portal and discuss :slight_smile:

Read “Eve” it does explain the biology of why women live longer, good read!

Can’t seem to find, “Eve” where is it? can you provide a link? Thanks Victor… Claudia


This is a link from Amazon. You can also put in the search bar “eve “in books. Let me know what you think

THanks for sending this… when I get a moment I will for sure read it…Thanks again… Claudia

Just to get back on “Eve”. I’m so busy these days for reading a whole book… BUT I have watched many utube - read articles…and watched some discussions on this fantastic book. And as to my original statement here asking “why there hasn’t been more interest in rechearcing why women live longer than men…” It’s really as I already knew…the “norm has been on men” since forever… ''Eve" is a masterpiece of the very beginnings of the female - at last!! Loved statements like… the female body parts has many “mothers” many evolutionary changes along the way. And since we are still evolving… and since our pelvises are narrowing…I wonder how long it will be until large heads coming out of small openings will become simply not feasable. Lots to think about and lots to discover with “Eve”. Thank you, Victoria… Claudia